To follow – whom do we follow?
Each year, the Pilgrims of Saint Francis reflect on a theme during their events through the year. This year the theme ‘To follow’ was proposed by the pilgrims in Sweden. A theme which originated when one of their members asked why do we have the name ‘Pilgrims of St Francis – and in what way do we claim to be followers of St Francis in the organisation of our events?
From this first question the larger theme has emerged – the Swedish writers looking at the meaning of following; how we follow; the nature of commitment; the role of those who want to influence others. They explore at some length the issues of ‘Followers’ on Social Media and how we can discern the truth from the fake. The word “follow” occurs many times in the New Testament – many of those passages are listed and it finishes with a section on the influence of St Francis and how his ideals have inspired others through the centuries.
The complete text can be downloaded here:-